Научные публикации

Статья «An Equilibrium Model with Mixed Federal Structures» default.published в Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gos. Universiteta, 2014.

Авторы: , Makarov V. L., Savvateev A. V.


This paper examines the problem of meeting an inelastic demand for public goods of club type in an economy with a finite number of agents, who exhibit different preferences regarding the choice of public projects. The choice problem is assumed to be multidimensional as there are several dimensions of a societal decision.

From the formal point of view, the problem can be summarized as follows. There are n players, identified by points in a multidimensional space, who should be partitioned into a finite number of groups under the requirement that there exists no nonempty subset S of players, each member of which strictly prefers (in terms of utilities) group S to the group he was initially allocated.

Utilities which are inversely related to costs consist of two parts: monetary part (inversely proportional to the group’s size), and the transportation part (distance from the location of a player to the point minimizing aggregate transportation cost within his group).
One cannot hope for a general result of existence of stable coalition structure even in a uni-dimensional setting. However, by allowing formation of several coalition structures, each pursuing a different facet of public decision, we obtain a very general existence result. Formally, this means that for each coalition there exists a balanced system of weights assigned to each of the dimensions of the public project.

Статья «A History of Resistance to Privatization in Russia» default.published в Journal of comparative economics, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 855-873.

Авторы: Андрей Маркевич, Paul Castaneda Dower


We investigate the connection between privatization in post-communist Russia and a mass privatization reform in Imperial Russia, the 1906 Stolypin land reform. Specifically, we relate historical measures of conflicts associated with the Stolypin reform to contemporary views on whether the privatization of the 1990s should be revised. These historical measures could influence contemporary views in two ways: first, differences in privatization-related conflicts in the past could have directly altered attitudes towards privatization in the 1990s and, second, these differences could merely reflect pre-determined dissimilarities in preferences. We first show that historical measures of resistance to privatization are associated with views that favor state ownership. One standard deviation increase in the historical resistance to privatization explains a quarter of the negative sentiment toward private property today. We also find that negative experiences with the Stolypin reform are associated with views on the procedural unfairness of modern privatization reforms, suggesting that pre-determined preferences cannot fully explain the weight of history.

Статья «Property Rights, Land Liquidity, and Internal Migration» default.published в Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 110, pp. 191-215.

Авторы: Андрей Маркевич, Eugenia Chernina, Paul Castaneda Dower


In the early twentieth century, a large number of households resettled from the European to the Asian part of the Russian Empire. We propose that this dramatic migration was rooted in institutional changes initiated by the 1906 Stolypin land titling reform. One might expect better property rights to decrease the propensity to migrate by improving economic conditions in the reform area. However, this titling reform increased land liquidity and actually promoted migration by easing financial constraints and decreasing opportunity costs. Treating the reform as a quasi-natural experiment, we employ difference-in-differences analysis on a panel of province-level data that describe migration and economic conditions. We find that the reform had a sizeable effect on migration. To verify the land liquidity effect, we exploit variation in the number of households participating in the reform. This direct measure of the reform mechanism estimates that land liquidity explains approximately 18% of migration during this period.

Статья «Signaling Credit-Worthiness: Land Titles, Banking Practices and Access to Formal Credit in Indonesia» default.published в Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 2014, 50: 435-459.

Авторы: , Eugenia Chernina, Paul Castaneda Dower, Elizabeth Potamites


Many land titling programs worldwide have produced lacklustre results in terms of achieving access to credit for the poor. This may reflect insufficient emphasis on local banking practices. Bankers commonly seek to ensure repayment by using methods other than securing collateral, such as targeting borrower characteristics that, on average, improve repayment rates. Formal land titles can signal these important characteristics to the bank. Using a household survey from Indonesia, we provide evidence that formal land titles have a positive and significant effect on access to credit and that at least part of this effect is best interpreted as an improvement in information flows. These results stand in contrast to the prevailing notion that land titles function only as collateral. Analysts who neglect local banking practices may misinterpret the observed effect of systematic land titling programs on credit access because these programs tend to reduce the signalling value of formal land titles.

Banyak program pemberian hak atas tanah di seluruh dunia berakhir buruk dalam kaitannya dengan penerimaan pinjaman kredit bagi masyarakat miskin. Hal ini bisa merefleksikan tidak memadainya praktik-praktik perbankan di daerah. Para bankir umumnya mencari kepastian atas pembayaran kembali melalui cara-cara selain penggunaan jaminan. Ini misalnya dilakukan dengan menargetkan peminjam berdasarkan karakteristik, yang secara rata-rata biasanya berhasil menaikkan tingkat pembayaran kembali. Adanya pemberian hak formal atas tanah dapat memberikan sinyal ini kepada bank. Dengan menggunakan survei rumah tangga dari Indonesia, para penulis membuktikan bahwa pemberian hak formal atas tanah memiliki efek yang positif dan signifikan kepada akses terhadap pinjaman. Sebagian dari efek ini dapat diinterpretasikan sebagai perbaikan dalam arus informasi. Hasil-hasil ini sangat kontras jika dibandingkan dengan studi-studi sebelumnya, yakni bahwa hak atas tanah berfungsi hanya sebagai jaminan. Para analis yang menafikan praktik perbankan lokal mungkin akan menyalahartikan efek yang diobservasi dari program sertifikasi tanah yang sistematis terhadap akses pinjaman, karena program-program demikian cenderung mengurangi nilai yang tersirat dari pemberian hak formal atas tanah

Статья «Социальное моделирование набирает обороты» default.published в Экономика и математические методы. 2013. Том 49, выпуск 4 (октябрь – декабрь). С. 5–17.

Авторы: , Валерий Макаров


В статье даётся краткий обзор бурно развивающегося нового направления в общественных науках — социального моделирования. Особое внимание уделяется одному из основных инструментов социального моделирования — агент — ориентированным моделям. Приводится несколько примеров таких моделей, в том числе разработанных сотрудниками ЦЭМИ. Особо выделяются трудности, связанные с точной формулировкой понятий типа: доверие, иррациональность, страх и пр. Даются математические определения понятий «власть», «свобода» и указывается, как их можно количественно измерять.

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