NES CSDSI international conference “Towards Effective and Equitable Development: the Role of Institutions and Diversity”

On December 15-16 Professor Shlomo Weber and Professor Jean-Philippe Platteau opened the NES CSDSI international conference

OLIGO Workshop 2017

On June 1-2, 2017, NES have hosted Oligo Workshop 2017

The 21st Coalition Theory Network Workshop

Оn 19-20 May 2016 NES Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions, on behalf of the Coalition Theory Network, organizes the 21st Coalition Theory Network Workshop, to be held in Moscow, Russia.

«The role of history and diversity in understanding development» conference took place in Moscow

The Conference «The role of history and diversity in understanding development» took place in Moscow on 9-10 October 2015.

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