NES CSDSI & HSE ICSID Research Seminar “Institutions and visa regimes”

Совместный семинар ЛИСОМО РЭШ и МЦИИР ВШЭ “Bridging or Bonding? Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia”

Совместный семинар ЛИСОМО РЭШ и МЦИИР ВШЭ “Bridging or Bonding? Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia”

18 октября, 17:00 (Шаболовка 26-4, к. 4322) состялся совместный семинар ЛИСОМО РЭШ и МЦИИР ВШЭ: Денис Иванов (НИУ ВШЭ), “Bridging or Bonding? Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia” (в соавторстве с Екатериной Борисовой (НИУ ВШЭ) и Андреем Говоруном (НИУ ВШЭ)).


Does bridging or bonding social capital matter for redistribution preferences? Existing literature demonstrates causal link between measures of social capital and such preferences but does it mostly for developed countries with good enforcement of formal rules and without a distinction between two completely different types of social capital. We argue that welfare state relies on contributions from an immense number of anonymous citizens, thus attitudes towards strangers, i.e. generalized trust and solidarity should be salient. Using surveys of about 35,000 Russians we prove this proposition showing the importance of the bridging type but not the bonding one. Instrumenting social capital with education, climate and distance from Moscow we deal with endogeneity concerns. Additionally we claim that connection between social capital and redistribution preferences for less developed countries such as Russia could be similar to developed countries.

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