NES CSDSI & HSE ICSID Research Seminar on diversity and development joint with HSE Seminar on Political Economy

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Дата и время:
Вт, 6 февраля 2018 | 17:00 —
Вт, 6 февраля 2018 | 18:30
к. 4322
Шаболовка 26-4

Израэл Маркес Второй (НИУ ВШЭ)

Совместный семинар ЛИСОМО РЭШ и МЦИИР ВШЭ, объединённый с Семинаром НИУ ВШЭ по политической экономии: “Institutional Quality and Social Policy Preferences: Experimental Evidence"

Регистрация на семинар открыта до 12:00 6 февраля.

О спикере – Израэл Маркес Второй (НИУ ВШЭ).


Using laboratory experiments conducted in two countries, we examine how poor institutions influence individuals support for redistribution. Contrary to conventional expectations, we argue that high-earning individuals will prefer more redistribution when they can more easily evade taxes. To test our expectations, we conducted a series of experiments from February to May 2016 simulating earned income and tax evasion. We find that high earners do indeed prefer more redistribution when they can more easily under-report their income. Our findings make an important contribution to the little studied question of how institutional quality affects social policy preferences.


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