News: Winter and Summer Schools

Winter school “Towards Effective and Equitable Development: the Role of Institutions and Diversity”

On December 12-14 the V NES CSDSI winter school took place at NES campus in Skolkovo

NES-HCEO Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality

34 participants from 25 universities and 13 countries studied the current research on inequality and program evaluation and presented their own research

The joint seminar of Research Seminar on Diversity and Development and HSE Seminar on political economy “Distributional comparative statics for auctions and beyond”

The 2017 NES-HCEO Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality will provide a state-of-the-art overview on the study of inequality and human flourishing
Sat, 18 March 2017
CSDSI, Winter and Summer Schools

3rd summer school 2016 “Socio-cultural & economic development of regions: Eastern vector”

On July 11, 2016, NES CSDSI launched 3rd summer school “Socio-cultural & economic development of regions: Eastern vector” at Krasnoyarsk suburb (with support of Siberian Federal University)

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