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Статья «Применение суперкомпьютерных технологий в общественных науках» default.published в Экономика и математические методы. 2013. Том 49, выпуск 4 (октябрь – декабрь). С. 18–32.

Авторы: , Валерий Макаров, А. Р. Бахтизин


Статья содержит краткий экскурс по вопросам применения суперкомпьютерных технологий в общественных науках, в первую очередь — в части технической реализации крупномасштабных агент-ориентированных моделей (АОМ). Суть данного инструмента в том, что благодаря увеличению мощности компьютеров стало возможным описывать поведение многих отдельных фрагментов сложной системы. В результате мечта многих мыслителей научиться объяснять макроявление на основе поведения его составных частей стала воплощаться в реальность. Например, физики, умеющие описывать поведение элементарных частиц, создали компьютерную имитацию действий большого ансамбля таких частиц и стали изучать его поведение в компьютере, а не в жизни. Таким образом появилось понятие искусственной реальности.

В статье мы рассмотрим опыт зарубежных ученых и практиков в запуске АОМ на суперкомпьютерах, а также на примере АОМ, разработанной в ЦЭМИ РАН, проанализируем этапы и методы эффективного отображения счетного ядра мультиагентной системы на архитектуру современного суперкомпьютера.

Статья «The Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy» default.published в The Oxford Handbook of the Russian Econom, 2013.

Авторы: , Майкл Алексеев. New York: Oxford University Press. 2013, 849 p.


The Handbook represents a comprehensive study of the Russian economy. Written by a team of distinguished Russian and western authors, the chapters analyze the current economic situation, trace the impact of Soviet legacies and of post-Soviet transition, examine social challenges, and propose directions for reforms. The Handbook begins with economic history of Russia, particularly the Soviet period, and then surveys the developments since the breakup of the Soviet Union. The next set of chapters describes Russia’s current institutional environment, including surveys of corporate governance, taxation, the informal sector, and corruption. This is followed by the analysis of economic branches starting with the crucial natural resource sectors and proceeding to the other key sectors such as the military-industrial complex, railroads, research and development, and agriculture. The effect of industry on the environment is also evaluated. While the branches of the “real” sector bear heavy Soviet legacy, the financial and foreign trade sectors analyzed next represent a dramatic departure from the Soviet experience. The last two parts of the Handbook are devoted to regional dimensions and to social policy challenges in labor market, higher education, healthcare, and the demographic situation. While a few chapters reflect positive views on certain aspects of the economy and institutions such as corporate governance and the tax system, most authors stress the seriousness of challenges facing Russia and the necessity but also difficulties of reforms. The analysis and policy proposals in this Handbook will be useful to the readers interested in Russia and to Russia’s policy makers.

Статья «A Solomonic Solution to the Problem of Assigning a Private Indivisible Good» default.published в Games and Economic Behavior (2013), Volume 82, pp. 369–387.

Автор: Эфтимос Афанасио


A benevolent Planner wishes to assign an indivisible private good to n claimants, each valuing the object differently. Individuals have quasi-linear preferences. Therefore, the possibility of transfers is allowed. A second-best efficient mechanism is a strategy-proof and anonymous mechanism that is not Pareto dominated by another strategy-proof and anonymous mechanism. In this context, we identify three conditions that are necessary and, together with Voluntary Participation, sufficient for a mechanism to be second-best efficient. This set includes mechanisms that destroy the good at certain profiles. For domains comprising two individuals we provide an explicit characterization of the family of second-best efficient mechanisms.

Статья «Specificity of Control: The Case of Mexico’s Ejido Reform» default.published в Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 91, pp. 13–33.

Авторы: , Paul Castaneda Dower, Tobias Pfutze


An important aspect of property rights is specificity, the ability of a third party to enforce rights. The empirical literature rarely isolates the effect of specificity because exogenous changes, due to land reforms, either simultaneously change both control and specificity or exclusively change control. We investigate the effect of specificity in the context of the 1992 Salinas land reforms in Mexico, which constitutionally changed individual control rights for all communal landholders but reserved changes to specificity for a subsequent voluntary land certification program. We are able to address selection into the program by taking advantage of the peculiarities in the certification process. Using agricultural production data from before and after the reform, we demonstrate that land certification significantly increases agricultural investments but only for investments directly affected by the changes in control. We explain the results using a simple model that shows how specificity can better coordinate landholders’ beliefs about the implementation of changes in control.

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